Special Collections->Bideford

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This page will have some sources relating to Bideford, and places that are there or used to be.


Bideford town guide 2007-08 [pdf] Bideford town guide 2007-08. Non-OCR at present.


Discovery Music

Discovery Music, Grenville St.

Discovery was a music, record, and book shop on Grenville street, although this wasn't its original location. The shop had existed in a number of different locations over time, although the Grenville street site was to be the last one (In Bideford, at least).

The view below looks south-east, and a view looking in the opposite direction is shown in Illustrations of Old Bideford vol. 13:34. The second picture below shows a view of the desk (to the left) and the bookcase (right). To the far right of the main room (out of view here) there was a flight of stairs going down to the cellar. The third picture shows the desk. These pictures have been cropped from larger ones as the full-size pictures included people who probably don't want to be on the internet (although, I haven't asked them).

A view of the shop front is shown in Illustrations of Old Bideford vol. 10:36.

Showing south-eastern wall at Discovery Music, with shelving and records ca. 2006

Above: View showing the inside south-eastern wall, with shelving and records ca. 2006.

Showing desk (left) and bookcase (right) at Discovery Music, ca. 2006

Above: Showing desk (left) and bookcase (right) at Discovery Music, ca. 2006.

Showing desk at Discovery Music, ca. 2006

Above: Showing desk at Discovery Music, ca. 2006.


Chic-O-Land was one of the more well known chicken shops in Bideford, and was situated on the Quay for a time. (beneath the Talbot Inn- pictures of which also exist!)

Chic-O-Land, the Quay, Bideford

Above: Chic-O-Land, the Quay, Bideford.

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